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December 23, 2010


Karin Edwards Wagner, Certified Rolfer

There are different types of Health Savings Accounts, Flexible Spending Accounts, Cafeteria Plans, etc. Many cover Rolfing but some do not (for instance, a limited FSA that is only for dental, vision, and medications).
Some types of accounts let you carry over the money to the next year, while others do not. Each person needs to carefully read the details of their program. Typically these accounts go along with a high-deductible insurance plan.
If you don't have insurance through your employer, you can get a plan through Pacific Source with about a 4K deductible for about $150/month, depending on your age. Especialy if you are self-employed, ask your tax person how to get a tax deduction for the premium and the health savings account contribution. While a high deductible policy will not actually pay for your health expenses in a typical year, it provides financial protection in the case of a catastrophy.
Your Health Savings Account will automatically come with a debit card. You can often request checks as well.

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