I love this quote from Rolf Movement ® Instructor Monica Caspari): "As Rolfers™, we are after grace, pleasure, aliveness, and coherence of the body in motion. Joy and happiness are more important than perfection."
While Ida Rolf stated the goal of Rolfing® Structural Integration as aligning the body in gravity, that alignment is not a rigid goal but rather a responsive and alive dynamism that the body expresses when it is open and balanced. It is said that Dr. Rolf hated the word "posture," because to her that suggested trying to stand up straight. Her goal in working the fascial system through a Rolfing® Structural Integration series was to restore proper relationships of body segments, which frees the movement of energy so that you feel the force of gravity as something that lifts you into alignment rather than drags you down. It sounds somewhat metaphysical, yet Rolfing clients report this again and again in words like "my body wants to stand up straight" and "I feel lighter."