This article in The Bellingham Herald gives more details on Rolfer™ Russell Stolzoff's work with the Seattle Seahawks, and how Rolfing® Structural Integration sessions help various members of the team with injury prevention and post-game recovery. It's exciting that the Seahawks are doing so well this season, and that Rolfing sessions are playing some kind of role in helping the team!
The article gives a nice description of how Rolfing work incorporates movement analysis – in this case Stolzoff begins by watching his clients play (and then watching recordings for further study), while I just watch my Rolfing clients walk around my Seattle office. The body doesn't lie, so movement anomalies will reveal to a trained Rolfer's eye areas where there are fascial restrictions or imbalances.
Presumably the Minnesota Rolfers who referred Sidney Rice to Stolzoff were Wayne and Sandy Henningsgaard, who work with Vikings players, as discussed here.
See also my earlier post on Stolzoff's work with Golden Tate, including Tate's video endorsement of Rolfing sessions as part of his regimen.