My colleague Russell Stolzoff has come out with another great video about Rolfing Structural Integration and athletes, this one showing him working with Detroit Lions defensive end Devin Taylor.
Many news articles about Rolfing SI get various facts wrong, like thinking it's a kind of massage, or that it's about working the muscles. Of course, a Rolfer™ like Russell gets it right! Rolfing SI works with fascia, and, as he notes, "the fascial system is really what is responsible for the whole-body pattern" and the work of Rolfing SI is about "bringing a person more in tune or in alignment with their center of gravity" and that movement becomes more efficient, fluid, and powerful.
Please watch this great video below, and note that when Russell says, "Rolfers can create freedom and flexibility in the structure that will allow exercise to have a greater effect," he's not talking about just pro athletes – it works for all of us!
Strength & Conditioning at the Next Level: Sports Rolfing from Stolzoff Sportworks on Vimeo.